When creating your printed marketing make sure to use a professional page Layout programs such as Adobe Indesign or Quark Xpress. If you don’t have a professional layout program make sure you know how to save your document in PDF format. Usually this can be achieve by “saving as PDF” or “print as PDF”. Also make sure to open the final PDF document to make sure it looks just like you planned it to be.
Use the right applications for what they were intended to be used. InDesign and Quark Xpress are great page layout programs that can handle the final layout, including text placement and re-flow, placement of graphics and even complex gradients. Manipulate raster images such as photos with Photoshop or programs alike, and vector images with programs such as Illustrator. If you place text in Photoshop it will create fuzzy edges around the type. Placing text in Illustrator is ok, as long as it is text that won’t need to be constantly updated. InDesign or Quark are better suited to handle text paragraphs for page layouts. Creating template backgrounds in Illustrator is great but personalizing documents such as business cards should be done in a proper page layout program with the aid of master pages, that way you create a consistent brand and avoid costly errors.
Once your layout is completed in the program of your choosing, allow for bleeds if necessary and save as a high quality press ready document, and let us do the rest!
You are the master of your domain. You know your business and audience like no one else, so don’t let your marketing material look amateur by thinking you can handle servicing your customers and handle all your marketing efforts, and most importantly don’t use your home desktop printer for your next printed marketing effort, trust the professionals at City Press!. Visit our services page to see all we can do for your business.
City Press is located in Winnipeg Downtown, We have decades of experience at your service, knowledgeable and friendly staff, quality products and finishing services that will grab your audience.