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Printing 101

  • File submission- you can submit your files to us by email, FTP, flash drive, cd.
  • Format – We prefer files submitted in PDF format. Most computer programs allow for files to be saved or exported as PDF. However you can also submit your files in EPS, PSD, JPG, TIFF, AI, ID, QX, etc. Make sure to convert all your fonts to outlines or embed all your fonts in your files.
  • Embedding your fonts – embedding your fonts in a document simply means to include your fonts on the PDF file. This prevents for the text to flow inadequately, preventing overflow text and missing text. Most graphics programs will allow the PDF to have the fonts embedded automatically, however make sure to review all your settings on the dialog window.
  • Colour format-  you must convert your colour mode on your files to CMYK. At least your files will be printed with spot colours, then you need to prepare your file accordingly.  if you are uncertain please read our blog or contact our experts!
  • Image resolution – quality – when using raster images such as JPG, PSD or Tiffs, it is recommended for best quality output that your files are saved at 300 dpi. It is not recommended that you use images downloaded from the internet as most of the time they are only 72 dpi and will produce lower quality printing. Increasing the resolution of a 72 dpi to 300 dpi will not increase the quality of the image. Vector EPS are not resolution dependent so they will always produce sharper images.

For more information on any of this please read our blog!

Need help setting up your file? Let our knowledgeable staff help you!